
Lisboeta Macau’s and L’Arc Macau’s Volunteer Team visits Macau Association of the Hearing
Impaired Illuminate the Silent World with Love

(September 25, 2024 - Macau) As China’s National Day is approaching, Lisboeta Macau and L’Arc Macau organized the “Volunteer Team” to visit the Macau Association of the Hearing Impaired (referred to as “the Association”), offering festive greetings and distributing thoughtfully prepared gifts. This visit aimed to raise awareness within society about the needs of the special groups. 

The volunteers began with brief self-introductions before engaging in handcraft activities and interactive games with the hearing-impaired participants. Through a picture-guessing game and expressive body language to convey love and hope to the participants. During the visit, the volunteers gained a preliminary understanding of the daily operations and services of the Association and learned basic sign language to communicate with the hearing-impaired participants. This valuable experience allowed the volunteers to understand the challenges faced by the hearing-impaired in their “silent” lives and gain insight into their needs and dreams. With smiles and sign language, we worked together with genuine care to build friendships that transcend the barrier of “sound”.

The volunteer team aimed to establish a strong connection with the hearing-impaired, allowing them to feel the care and warmth of society through this visit. This effort seeks to reduce their sense of isolation caused by communication barriers and enhance their confidence and love for life. This initiative also further reinforces the team’s commitment to community care and engagement. In the future, Lisboeta Macau and L’Arc Macau will continue to join hands with the “Volunteer Team”, promoting more charitable activities, raising community awareness of special groups, and bringing more love and warmth to society.






Lisboeta Macau




L'Arc Hotel Macau,
Avenida 24 de Junho, No. 278,
NAPE, Macau

(853) 2880 8888